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Growth Mindset Sales, LLC | Dallas & Fort Worth Metroplex

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My wife is from Florida and insists that Texas heat is so much worse than Florida heat. I believe they’re equally oppressive in the summer; neither of us is wrong, right? Hot is hot… not so fast…when your married it doesn’t really matter who’s right or wrong, does it? I could choose to prove my point by demonstrating the weather patterns and high humidity in Florida. I believe I can prove I’m right. but what are the consequences?

Sandler has a rule that states, “Always allow the prospect to preserve their dignity”. How many times do traditional trained salespeople approach a prospect and tell them how great they are and how much better their product or services are then what they are  using with their current supplier, vendor, or consultant? Why not… that’s what their paid for, right? Ask yourself how many times do your prospects tell you they’re happy with their current supplier and will not change…but you’re welcome to send literature? Why would they do this?...After all, you’re so much better than the competition, right? You could certainly close the sale if they would only believe you.

Prospects will always buy for their reasons, never yours. Also, prospects do not want to be told or feel like they’ve made a bad decision by choosing not to do business with you. How many times do you put them on the defensive unintentionally? I was told by a former car salesperson their goal was to wear the prospect down, and never allow them to take control…to give them all the reasons to do business with them. It’s no wonder the prospects buying system is so much better than the traditionally trained, sellers system.

So, if this is so obvious, why do 90% of sales people still make it about themselves? Most salespeople are thought from day one, to believe their value as a sales professional is determined more by the information they give…then by what they receive. The truth is, people value you more by your understanding of them, and their point of view, not by telling them how great you and your company are.

Stop pushing your agenda and your features and benefits. Work towards developing an understanding of your prospects point of view. After all, all good marriages are based on mutual respect and understanding.

Good Selling. Scott

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